FAQ - CSI’s Services and Procedures
When you’re ready to proceed to check out, click on the ‘Cart’ in the top right-hand corner of the website. Beneath the item in your cart, you will see a spot to enter a coupon code and a button beside it that says ‘Apply Coupon’. Type in the coupon code and click the ‘Apply Coupon’ button. The total amount should change to $0.00.
This simply means that Trans Union either has incorrect information on your credit file (such as your date of birth), or that they do not have enough information on your credit file. When this happens, we will email you within 24 business hours with the required consent form and instructions. The form and instructions can also be downloaded from the website by clicking “Forms” at the top of the screen. Please note: The eConsent process can only be completed on a laptop or computer. This will not populate accurately on a cell phone or tablet.
here is a menu at the top righthand corner of the website. Choose the 4th option down “Submit Forms”. Enter in your email address, first and last name and the name of the company or organization requesting this check. Scroll down so that the “Upload” button is visible. You can either a) click the “Select Files” button and choose the files from your computer, or b) you can drag and drop the files to be uploaded into the box. Once you have selected the files, click “Upload.”
We will automatically receive an email with a link to securely download your documents. We will contact you if we require any further information.
Once we receive your order you will be emailed within 24 business hours with the required consent form(s) and instructions.
If you have purchased a regular criminal record check, check off the “CPIC Investigative Data Bank” box. When placing your order, if you checked off the “Enhanced Canadian Criminal Record Check” option, you will need to check off the “Police Information Portal (PIP)” box.
These are the same service. The only difference is how you are consenting to the search. When you choose the paperless and secure option, you will be prompted to answer a few questions based on your credit history in order to verify your identity online. If you choose the paper option, you will need to submit a manual consent form along with two pieces of IDs. The results and turnaround times are the same for each option.
If you paid for your order, a secure link to the completed report will be emailed to you via the email address you provided in your order. If you used a coupon code provided to you by your employer, you will generally not receive a copy of the report. The completed report will be uploaded directly to the company or organization that requested this check be completed.
The witness, who signs the “Identification Verification” section at the bottom of the form, can be anyone other than a family member or someone with the same last name as you. Example: Friend, neighbour, co-workers, etc..
A list of acceptable IDs is as follows:
Primary Identification accepted:
Secondary Identification:
Please note: Social Insurance Numbers and Debit/Credit Cards are NOT acceptable for identification purposes.
Note: You can submit a scan or picture of 2 pieces of primary identification or 1 primary ID and 1 secondary ID.
This form is for self-declaration of criminal record. If you have been convicted of a criminal offence in Canada, for which you have not be given a pardon for, then this form MUST be completed and submitted with your consent. You do not need to self declare a “Conditional or Absolute” Discharge. The applicant’s printed name and signature are required at the top, along with the date and signature. Please indicate the date (as close as possible of the conviction), the offence and the location of the offence.
Federal Government or Controlled Goods Fingerprints
Your employer may ask for you to have fingerprints for security clearances or controlled goods program. For Federal Government Security Clearances, you will have been given a form with an ORI number and a section at the bottom of the form for your Document Control Number (DCN) that will be provided at your appointment.
Applicants for Foreign Travel, Passports, Work Permits, Visas and US Waivers:
Those wishing to visit or work in other countries may be required to provide a police clearance. While some countries accept police clearance done with only your name and birth date, others require that the process be done through fingerprinting. Obtaining a 192 waiver to travel to the United States will require fingerprints.
Citizenship, Permanent Resident & Immigration Applicants:
Applicants for Canadian citizenship, permanent residence or those immigrating to Canada may be required to provide a police clearance with fingerprints.
International Adoption Applicants:
Prior to completing adoption proceedings applicants who wish to adopt a child from a foreign country are required to provide a police clearance with fingerprints.
There is an estimated 10-to-15-day timeline for a “no match” result, meaning there were no flags associated with your fingerprints. The results are then either mailed or sent through online portals.
If there is a “match,” meaning possible convictions, the wait time is then significantly longer: up to 120 days for the result to be mailed to the requester.
An important point to note is that under the RCMP new policy for Vulnerable Sector searches, if the applicant’s gender and date of birth match that of a Pardoned Sex Offender, a full search of the fingerprint registry will be required, taking up to 120 days.
Please note: CPIC Fingerprinting Screening Services will not expedite results and do not offer a courier service option.
Yes, to make the most efficient use of time, please make an appointment by:
At CSI, we accept Interac, VISA, MC and cash
A Canadian Criminal Record check is a national, name-based criminal records search for any criminal convictions for all of Canada. CSI conducts this search through CPIC, the National Repository of Criminal Records in Canada maintained by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
All names declared on the consent form will be searched at no extra charge, for example; your current or past surname (i.e., maiden name); any legal name changes; and your alternately used first name, (i.e. your given name is Elizabeth but you’re also known by Liz or Eliza)
Names requested later and not declared on the original consent will be considered an additional search and will require payment accordingly.
Please Note: A criminal record check does not include a search of the Pardoned Sex Offenders database, commonly referred to as a Vulnerable Sector Search. However, CSI can provide direction to you. Please call, chat or email for more information. 1-888-818-5251 or 902-450-0697.